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Code of Conduct

ESNNA & Peru Grand Travel

According to the law Nº 28251; The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism (MINCETUR) has created a policy against the sexual exploitation of young girls, boys and adolescents (ESNNA) for which ESNNA and PERÚ GRAND TRAVEL have an agreement together, to prevent and eradicate said problem. For this reason, we declare the following:

  • We are against the sexual exploitation of Young, girls, boys and adolescents in PERU and THE REST OF THE WORLD in general and in particular within the realms of travel and tourism, recognising that this behaviour directly harms the fundamental rights of the individual, as well as the intrinsic objectives of touristic activities in our country.
  • We will report and we condemn those involved in this type of touristic activity, as well as the establishments and services which offer, promote, facilitate or tolerate the exploitation of children and adolescents and in honour of this, Peru Grand Travel subscribe to the present Code of conduct against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the touristic arena.

The present code of conduct is a formal declaration, who´s prime objective is to establish an obligatory code for all the people who work at PERÚ GRAND TRAVEL with the aim to protect children and adolescents from any form of sexual exploitation and person trafficking associated in travel and tourism.

In the same vein, the people who form this Travel Company, will work in the necessary manner to protect children and adolescents against sexual exploitation and we promise to maintain an ethical policy of 0 tolerance against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents within the touristic and travel sphere.

  • We Will inform and train our staff about the Company policy, with respect to the prevention of the exploitation of children and adolescents within the tourism and travel industry.
  • We will have visible signs that alert clients and service providers about our position with respect to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the tourism industry.
  • We will include the clause in all our contracts with service providers, where we will declare our position of being actively against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • We will use the following sentence “Tourism promotes a childhood and adolescence without sexual exploitation and for this reason, we do not accept any act which favours or promotes the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents”.